Aunt Shan and Aunt Lavonne visited me last month. Papi Mark was here too!!! We had such a good time. I can't wait to see them again!

We celebrated Daddy's birthday while they were here. Look at the cake Mom made. She got the recipe from Aunt Betsy. Mom should have know better cause she is no Aunt Betsy when it comes to the kitchen. I hope that my birthday cake doesn't look like that.

Aunt Betsy and me. Did you know that these green things that everyone calls limes have a sour center??? Why doesn't anyone tell me these things? I am new here - I didn't know!

Papi Mark is so silly! I just love him!!!

OH!!! I forgot to tell you! We bought a new truck! Now Daddy has 2 BIG trucks. We had a big party and asked Father Alex to come over and ask God to bless all of our trucks.

Here we are in front of our new truck.

Daddy and his boys - Peter (the Peterbilt) and Ken (the Kenworth).

I think that Muffin was feeling a little left out so I tried to make her feel loved. But for some strange reason she runs every time I get close.

Ahhhhh, lunch at Tito and Tita's! Me gusto mucho!!!

I have such a hard life.

We took Tito to play Mini Golf for his birthday. He won, of course!

I am such a happy guy that even my bite marks on Mommy are a happy face!!!

My friend JT came over to play and Mom took us for a walk. This is not a 2-kid kind of stroller but anything is possible when you put your mind to it. Or when you just want to get out of the house.

After the walk I looked back and my buddy was asleep!

Now all of my visitors are gone! I miss them...Come back!!!
Now that photo by the door is so cute. I miss you too little guy.
You have a birthday coming up and you are going to be the center of LOTS of attention.
OH, the biting Mom stuff...not good form. She is such a wonderful Mommy...bite food not people. I should get a t-shirt printed with that message for you.
Love you!
Aunt Shan
That very last picture, the one at the door needs to be submitted for a contest. Tell your mommy. Oh and no biting allowed, its not okay.
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