September 25, 2008

Caught in the act!!!

It is really hard to get away with stuff when your Mom follows you around EVERYWHERE!!! I thought that I was in the clear because she left me alone for a minute but NO she comes back with a camera so that she has proof that I was going someplace that I am not supposed to go. I almost had the blueberries too!

I'm going in!

UhOh!!! I'm caught!

I'll get out now but don't think that I won't try this again!

1 comment:

Ms. C said...

OK sweetie, No playing in the fridge. The good stuff is in the cookie jar. Your Grandpa Mark will be ther this weekend (maybe Uncle Grant too). Be good to them and give them a big wet sloppy kiss. Also, your Grandpa Mark is older and often folks at that age lose some of their sensitivity to odors. Pleas perform the following medical check for me to make sure he is OK. Make a big stinky (remember he may not be able to smell as well as younger folks like your Mom and Dad) and count the number of seconds it takes him to notice. Now, most Dr.s do not rely on one test so do this several times each hour. Report the results back to your Mom. It is OK to check Uncle Grant's sense of smell for comparison purposes.