July 27, 2007
Sleepy Smiles
Well everyone I am happy to report that I am growing. Mom took me to the doctor on Monday and he says that I now weigh 9 lbs 3 ozs and that I am 22 inches long!!! WoooHooo!!! I think that I am going to be tall like my Uncle Coop! As you can see I sleep very well and my dreams are lots of fun. I smile a lot when I sleep. Tita Olga says that I am playing with angels in my dreams and thats why I smile. Other people who are not so smart say that I am passing gas. Little do they know. :)

Sleep Time with Daddy
My Dad works REALLY hard every day. When he comes home he takes a shower and then holds me while Mom cooks dinner. We usually fall asleep before dinner is ready and then Mom takes a lot of pictures. Sometimes we fall asleep after dinner (because it was SOOOO good) and Mom takes more pictures. She says that we are the most handsome men on the planet and that she loves us the most!

Family and Friends
My Cousin Rachel - she held me like a pro!
My Great Great Aunt Betsy (Grandma Loey's sister) is a pro - she had 8 children and we have lost track of how many grandkids and greatgrandkids that she has!
Aunt Katie - She gave Tia Isabel a shirt that says "My Aunts Hot" but I think that she got it thinking of herself! She is a cutie!
Tia Isabel - I LOVE HER!!! I think that she will give me the most presents out of all my family! Love you Tia!!!
Tito (Grandpa Robert) - He says I'm ugly but I know that he loves me! I think that I'm pretty handsome since I will look like him when I get older! :)
July 13, 2007
He's Finally Here!!!
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