Actually, its more like Where Haven't We Been?!?!?! Well, lets start with the Moncada Christmas and we can work all the way through our trips all around the country.

For Me?!?!?!?!? THANK YOU!!!

Oooops, this was for Tito, not for me. I still got a good chunk all to myself!

When someone pats you on the back don't assume that they are congratulating you.

We are on our way to Southern Cali. Muffin isn't as excited as we are.

We had a wonderful time with my cousin Archer and Aunt Kelly and Uncle Coop.

My cousin and I have a lot in common...We LOVE carbs!!!

This is my new cousin Alexander!!! He is a lot of fun but he still has a lot to learn...No worries, I will teach him all I know. (How is it that Mom can show all her teeth but not her eyes???)

This is Mommies best friend Janine. She is Alexander's Mom. Notice the outfits...You know your friend is the best if she wears the same outfit as you but in a different color!

We are now on our way to Mexico with my favorite toy in hand!!!

I sleep a lot better when Tia Isabel is by my side.

Tia Isabel and her friend walk with me around the plaza in Teran, Mexico!

We ate baby goat (cabrito) and carne asada in Monterrey, Mexico with some friends!

These are some of Tita's cousins on their ranch.

They have fighting chickens!!!

Mommy & Daddy & I got all dressed up to go to a big birthday party.

Check out my new dance move! The ladies LOVED it!

I have lots of new girlfriends now thanks to Tia Isabel!!! She is the best and they are beautiful!!!

We are getting ready to leave Mexico now. Tita & Tito bought me this hat to remind me of all the fun we had! I wanted it so I can look just like Tito!!!

Here we are at the biggest and first Bass Pro Fishing store in Springfield, Missouri! There are fishies and turtles in this pond!!!

I was exhausted after all of our adventures at Bass Pro Fishing store and I fell asleep in the car. I was still asleep when we got to the Western store so I took a nap on the stuffed animals.

They wanted to take a nap with me.

Here we are at the Chrome Shop Maffia's headquarters in Joplin, Missouri. They used to do the Trick My Truck show.

These are the greatest ladies you will ever meet!!! I miss you Aunt Shan & Aunt Lavonne!!! They live all the way over in Omaha, Nebraska!

They took us up to see Council Bluffs which overlooks Omaha. This is where Lewis and Clark had a famous meeting with Indians about important White Man/Indian stuff.

Jesus walks on water!

Frozen water that is! Mommy and Daddy are dancing they are having so much fun!

The greatest Aunties took us to Cabela's Outdoor Gear store. Unfortunately they don't let you drive the quads around the store.

Aunt Shan tried to feed me to a Polar Bear!

Then she and Aunt Lavonne tried to hijack a hunters golf cart!!! All this outdoors stuff turns them into two CRAZY ladies!

This is their house on a snowy wintery night! Isn't it beautiful?!?!

After the winter storm there was lots of fun snow to play in!!!

After Nebraska we went to see Uncle Robert and Aunt Sue in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Aunt Sue showed me how to play the piano and then she let me try it all by myself.

I am better at Peek-A-Boo than piano but I have had a lot more practice with the first.

Now we are with Papa Elmo in New Mexico! I am exhausted after all of this traveling and he is exhausted after hearing about all of our adventures!

Our last trip before heading back to California is with Aunt Dottye and Uncle Ken. They sure are a lot of fun!

Aunt Dottye is soooooo sweet!

I was much more interested in Sheba than she was in me.

Uncle Ken has a horse too!!!

Do you like my new boots? Maybe Uncle Ken will let me ride the horse if I wear these?!?

Ahhhh, its good to be home, especially if Papi comes up to visit when you get there!