Guess what I'm doing?!?!?

Isn't my Gammie Barbara pretty! She is so silly!

We are a gooooood looking family if I do say so myself!

I picked a couple flowers for Mom. They blew away when I handed them to her though. I guess that is why you are supposed to "cut" them and not "pull" them. I learn something new everyday.

Playing with my cousin Archer. He is a year old now - that is SO old!
Tope de borrego!!!
(Spanish saying for goat/lamb-like head butting - Mom spelled it wrong originally)

Flirting with the pretty ladies at the store!

Hold on a second Dad, I think this dirty scoundrel is talking about Mom.

That's right partner and if I ever catch you talking about how pretty my Mom is again I'll shoot you before you can finish your sentence! That's my Dad's Lady!

Yeah, I'm watching you!

I'm not to sure how I feel about grass. I want to like it but it is scratchy.

I do love my bath time!!!

I'm going to be the best tractor driver when I grow up!

Just a couple more inches to grow and I can start to work for Grandpa!!

WILD TURKEYS!!! Mom said that I was eating turkey later that night and she promised that it wasn't any of these but I have a strange feeling about turkey dinners now.

Daddy climbed to the top of the world!!! That's Angels Camp down below!!!

After all of that fun I am pretty tired. I'll talk to you later!!!